
Parenting Coaching, Parent Issues, Counseling for Parents Allen Counseling Center

Parenting Strategies, Teen Parenting, Child Parenting, CPRT Training, Play Therapy

Your Child + Challenging Friendships

Friendships Are Complex When your child comes to you with stressful situations involving their peers, it can often be challenging to figure out the best way to assist them. We all struggle with friendship issues at some point in our [...]

Self-Love is Easy

Self-Love Tips to the rescue! This is the NEW Mental Health Model, a self-love program designed for busy people. Time and busyness are true enemies of good mental health, aren't they? I mean, certainly, there are people who have a [...]

Lessons From Lizzo: What All Our Girls Need To Know

My 8-year-old and I tossed our hair back, checked our nails, and sang out, "We're feeling good as FIRE!" on our morning drive to school today. Okay, yes, Lizzo sings that slightly different, but since the little ones know [...]

By |2023-04-04T17:24:48-05:00January 17, 2020|Parenting|Comments Off on Lessons From Lizzo: What All Our Girls Need To Know

Finding Center When Your Child Leaves For College

It seems like all of life is change, doesn’t it? And change can sometimes feel terrible, but it is also great because when things are happening that we don’t like that means things will eventually change! Little changes, like your [...]

By |2023-04-04T17:24:50-05:00August 12, 2019|Grief + Loss, Parenting, Self-Help|Comments Off on Finding Center When Your Child Leaves For College

7 Ways to Know You’re an Awesome Mom

Being a Mom is tough work, we  Moms know that. There are times we don't live up to the expectations we have for ourselves, and as a therapist, I find myself needing to let Moms know just how awesome [...]

By |2023-04-04T17:25:03-05:00September 26, 2018|Child (Play) Counseling & Teen Therapy, Marriage + Relationships + Couples, Parenting|Comments Off on 7 Ways to Know You’re an Awesome Mom

Teaching Your Kids the Meaning of Kindness

Research from Parents says kids are hardwired to be considerate and kind. They want to help. That’s their natural inclination. If that’s the case, though, why do a lot of kids seem spoiled and entitled? It might have something to [...]

By |2023-04-04T17:25:16-05:00February 14, 2018|Gratitude, Parenting|Comments Off on Teaching Your Kids the Meaning of Kindness
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