Nature + Movement

Self-Love is Easy

Self-Love Tips to the rescue! This is the NEW Mental Health Model, a self-love program designed for busy people. Time and busyness are true enemies of good mental health, aren't they? I mean, certainly, there are people who have a [...]

Yoga & Nature: Mantras. Mindful Walking. Feet in the Grass. Gardening.

Somewhat distracted, surrounded by chaos, battling the pervasive news, anxious about the unknown? I hear you and I see you and I want to take a moment to share a few tools in my tool belt on grounding specifically in nature. As [...]

By |2020-06-09T19:36:52-05:00June 9, 2020|Nature + Movement|Comments Off on Yoga & Nature: Mantras. Mindful Walking. Feet in the Grass. Gardening.
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