Counseling + Psychotherapy

Family Counseling, Couple Counseling, Marriage Therapy, Teen Counseling, Child (Play) Therapy

Help with depression, anxiety, grief, loss, parent issues, substance abuse, addiction, sex therapy, social anxiety, eating disorders, body image, trauma, and wellness coaching

Your Child + Challenging Friendships

Friendships Are Complex When your child comes to you with stressful situations involving their peers, it can often be challenging to figure out the best way to assist them. We all struggle with friendship issues at some point in our [...]

Laughter is Medicine: The Giggle Effect

Laughter Therapy is Therapy You know what they say...laughter is the best medicine. When was the last time you had a real "belly laugh?" You know, the kind of laugh that makes breathing hard and your belly hurt? Don't [...]

By |2023-05-02T19:30:36-05:00May 2, 2023|Depression, Bipolar, Mood Disorders, Self-Help|Comments Off on Laughter is Medicine: The Giggle Effect

The Teen Brain: A Users Guide

What's going on in that teen brain? Every so often, you will hear an adult say, "I remember when I was a teen...," and that statement usually is correct before they mention how much the world has changed since they [...]

By |2023-04-08T21:29:50-05:00August 27, 2021|Anxiety Stress Worry, Child (Play) Counseling & Teen Therapy|Comments Off on The Teen Brain: A Users Guide

Substance Abuse and Addiction: How to Help

More than 22 million adults in the United States have struggled with substance abuse or addiction.  The numbers continue to grow while communities are drifting further apart. Now more than ever, it’s time to ban together in support with friends, [...]

By |2023-04-04T17:24:44-05:00August 26, 2021|Substance Abuse and Addiction|Comments Off on Substance Abuse and Addiction: How to Help

Self Love Tools: The NEW, Preventative Mental Healthcare Model

Self Love is essential! The good news is, you're most likely already giving yourself Self Love throughout the day. So, what are the Self Love Tools? It's a preventative mental healthcare model to help you feel content, grounded, peaceful, and [...]

By |2023-04-04T17:24:46-05:00May 5, 2020|Anxiety Stress Worry, Counseling + Psychotherapy, Emotional Well-Being, Self-Help, Self-Love Therapy Blog|Comments Off on Self Love Tools: The NEW, Preventative Mental Healthcare Model

Body Memory Is Feeling Traumatized All Over Again

Bodies and brains are miraculous because they soak in an extraordinary amount of information on a daily basis. But, it's the very happy and joyous and also the very traumatic things that we remember the most. Our bodies hold [...]

By |2023-04-04T17:24:50-05:00August 13, 2019|Anxiety Stress Worry, Depression, Bipolar, Mood Disorders, Grief + Loss|Comments Off on Body Memory Is Feeling Traumatized All Over Again

Finding Center When Your Child Leaves For College

It seems like all of life is change, doesn’t it? And change can sometimes feel terrible, but it is also great because when things are happening that we don’t like that means things will eventually change! Little changes, like your [...]

By |2023-04-04T17:24:50-05:00August 12, 2019|Grief + Loss, Parenting, Self-Help|Comments Off on Finding Center When Your Child Leaves For College

Spring: A Time for Balance and Renewal

A lot of people set their New Year’s resolutions by January 1st. This practice is borne out of tradition, but when you think about it, it makes much better sense to start the new year in March which is a [...]

By |2020-06-23T04:26:04-05:00March 20, 2019|Depression, Bipolar, Mood Disorders, Self-Help, Spirituality|Comments Off on Spring: A Time for Balance and Renewal

4 Ways to Deal with Spring Stress

In theory, spring is supposed to be the time of year when it’s easy to relax. We don't expect Spring stress, but of course, we are human. The sun starts shining again, the days get longer, flowers bloom and heavy [...]

By |2023-04-04T17:24:51-05:00March 14, 2019|Anxiety Stress Worry, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Counseling + Psychotherapy|Comments Off on 4 Ways to Deal with Spring Stress
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