About Jennifer Slingerland Ryan, Ph.D., LPC

Jennifer Slingerland Ryan knows a thing or two about kids and families. First, she knows they are joyous, exhilarating, loving and so darn fun. Second, she knows they suck your life dry and make you weep like a baby. By day she’s a psychotherapist; by night she’s a mom and wife. She claims to love therapizing couples, educating parents, reading dystopian fiction and sleeping in her free time (read: she never sleeps). Jennifer has spent over 12 years in private practice working with individuals, couples, and parents who are faced with kid-drama, mamma-drama, and family-drama, and she claims that although some stories make a grown woman cry, she loves it.
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Trick or Treat? Removing Your Relationship’s Mask before Saying “I Do”

You decide who you want to become for the night. You prepare your outfit, plan your approach and hope to end the night with a little sugar. You dream of treats, but primarily hope you don’t end up with a [...]

By |2023-04-04T17:25:01-05:00October 30, 2018|Emotional Well-Being|Comments Off on Trick or Treat? Removing Your Relationship’s Mask before Saying “I Do”

ADHD: A Neurological Disorder of the Brain

ADHD, often used interchangeably with ADD, is a neurobiological disorder of the brain characterized by inability to focus on tasks or follow through with tasks, or hyperactivity. It's important to distinguish life stressors which can cause these symptoms, to that which [...]

By |2023-04-04T17:25:07-05:00August 18, 2018|Child (Play) Counseling & Teen Therapy|Comments Off on ADHD: A Neurological Disorder of the Brain

Recognizing and Treating Major Depression

Depression isn’t just having a bad day or feeling down over something that happened at work. The difference between feeling sad and major depression is how it’s defined and how it manifests. Major depression is a state of intense sadness [...]

By |2023-04-04T17:25:09-05:00August 18, 2018|Depression, Bipolar, Mood Disorders|Comments Off on Recognizing and Treating Major Depression

5 Text-Based Ways to Show Your Partner Love

Gary Chapman describes the idea of love languages which basically says that there are five different ways couples express and experience love, says EveWoman. The first one is through words of affirmation then through quality time followed by giving gifts, [...]

By |2023-04-04T17:25:09-05:00July 5, 2018|Book Reviews, Love Language, Marriage + Relationships + Couples|Comments Off on 5 Text-Based Ways to Show Your Partner Love

Labeling Emotions: Why It’s a Learning Curve

Labeling emotions, what's that? One of the hardest things I teach as a counselor is how to just feel. It seems it's written in some magic rule book somewhere that feelings aren't okay. Furthermore, the words used to describe feelings are [...]

By |2023-04-04T17:25:10-05:00July 3, 2018|Self-Help|Comments Off on Labeling Emotions: Why It’s a Learning Curve

Physical Touch vs Sex: Love Language Matters

Our culture, more or less, predisposes us to think of ourselves as sexual creatures. From the movies we imbibe to the books we devour, our unending fascination with and interest in all things sexual has been well documented throughout ages [...]

By |2018-06-22T21:10:24-05:00June 28, 2018|Love Language, Marriage + Couples, Marriage + Relationships + Couples|Comments Off on Physical Touch vs Sex: Love Language Matters
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