Counseling + Psychotherapy

Family Counseling, Couple Counseling, Marriage Therapy, Teen Counseling, Child (Play) Therapy

Help with depression, anxiety, grief, loss, parent issues, substance abuse, addiction, sex therapy, social anxiety, eating disorders, body image, trauma, and wellness coaching

The Family That Dines Together, Stays Together

For many busy families, getting everyone to sit down at the table together for dinner can seem like an impossible task. However, Dallas-area counselors agree that family dinners can have a substantial impact on positive communication and increase bonds between [...]

By |2023-04-04T17:25:23-05:00January 9, 2018|Family Counseling|Comments Off on The Family That Dines Together, Stays Together

Don’t Be a Zax: How to Deal with Stubbornness in Kids

Stubbornness is a common complaint from parents, especially those with children either in middle or high school. For these parents, it may seem like the defiance they face from their children is designed simply to push their buttons. This can [...]

By |2023-04-04T17:25:42-05:00August 28, 2017|Child (Play) Counseling & Teen Therapy|Comments Off on Don’t Be a Zax: How to Deal with Stubbornness in Kids

5 Tips to Prepare Your Overanxious Kid for the New School Year

For most families, the slide from summer to autumn is a time of excitement and perhaps a bit of sadness at the coming end of the carefree vacation days. For a growing number of children, though, the days leading up [...]

By |2023-04-04T17:25:43-05:00August 24, 2017|Anxiety Stress Worry, Child (Play) Counseling & Teen Therapy|Comments Off on 5 Tips to Prepare Your Overanxious Kid for the New School Year

Being Misunderstood: What the Wicked Witch of the West can Teach Us About Life

The Huffington Post is always so timely. If you don't read this online news source, I encourage it. Just yesterday this great article was posted. It shows an interview between Mr. Rogers (whom we all love, right?) and the Wicked Witch of [...]

By |2023-04-04T17:25:50-05:00November 1, 2014|Counseling + Psychotherapy, Emotional Well-Being, Inner Core Friendships|Comments Off on Being Misunderstood: What the Wicked Witch of the West can Teach Us About Life

You Are The Company You Keep

Why do we keep doing and feeling the same things over and over again, even when they aren't serving us well in any capacity whatsoever? Oh, the madness! Consciousness is a “here-and-now” experience of focused attention that is fundamentally a [...]

By |2023-04-04T17:25:51-05:00October 31, 2014|Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Meditation + Mindfulness|Comments Off on You Are The Company You Keep
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