
About Jennifer Rodgers, M.S., LPC

Like many people, I’m working hard to juggle the many activities and responsibilities of life. Some of my favorite responsibilities are my marriage and three kids. Not only do they keep challenging me every day, but they also keep driving me forward to become a better wife, mother and person. Throughout the years, I have loved getting to know people of all backgrounds and learning how to connect with them. Counseling is a joy that I’ve had the pleasure of doing in a variety of settings. I earned my BS in Psychology from Texas A&M University (go Aggies!) and my MA in Counseling from Saint Louis University. After my degree, my husband and I lived in St. Louis for 8 years where I gained certification in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy and provided therapy for depression research studies. After we had our daughter, we quickly realized that we needed more support as parents, so we high-tailed it back to Dallas. After having a dual career in clinical research and counseling for many years, I now have the joy of being a full time counselor in addition to being a full time wife and mom of 3 wild and awesome kids. When I’m not working or taking care of the munchkins in my house, I can be found reading, making jewelry, watching Frasier, playing with my dog, or enjoying a rare shopping trip!

Working Moms, Stay-at-Home Dads: New Modern Roles

Working moms are modern-day superheroes, while dads feel a shift in their superhero ability. We aren't complaining, but we do have tips for adjusting. Being a stay-at-home dad was never part of my husband's and my plan. However, life has [...]

By |2023-05-19T14:27:22-05:00May 19, 2023|Self-Help|Comments Off on Working Moms, Stay-at-Home Dads: New Modern Roles

Pandemic Reflection: Living Life while Patiently Waiting

We've been in this pandemic for quite a while now. At first, it was crisis mode. Like, trying to find groceries and toilet paper. Figuring out how to do everything remote. Then there was managing fear and anxiety, constantly watching [...]

By |2021-07-20T18:17:33-05:00July 20, 2021|Self-Help|Comments Off on Pandemic Reflection: Living Life while Patiently Waiting
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