Today you unlock your best self.
Tomorrow you thrive.

Self Love Hub

How you love yourself determines the quality of your life.

Despite having attended therapy in the past, do you find yourself searching for more consistent support and tools that help you manage your stress, anxiety, and depression on a day-to-day basis?

A lot of people feel unsure about themselves, which then makes it hard to trust and connect with others. The struggle with vulnerability and emotional closeness – with yourself and others – becomes a challenge.

The fallout is having a roller-coaster of emotions and unmet expectations. You’re letting yourself down.

But, your relationship with yourself is the foundation of good mental and emotional health, so this presents some major issues.

You may be lacking a sense of inner belonging.

You are born to thrive and feel joy. You are worthy of feeling healthy, living authentically, and being happy—to feel good and well.

Your level of self-compassion, self-acceptance, and self-love is a product of how worthy you feel about yourself, and the work you put into feeling good.

The goal is to build habits, systems, and connetions with others to help you bild resilence and boost your overall mental and emotionall wellness.

And isn’t that what we all want? To belong? To feel at peace with who we are so we can be more resilient against loneliness and self-doubt.

We deserve that. You deserve that.

I get it…

Even therapists like me struggle with stamina and keeping my head clear so I do the right things to keep my self on track.

In fact, I suffered alongside my clients for many years, and they didn’t even know it. Imposter syndrome, bigtime.

But my professional practice has also taught me to live authentically. Deeply immersing myself in the exact things I teach helps me stay grounded and connected to myself and those I love.

I went to school for 14 years, earned 3 degrees, and have dedicated thousands of hours toward my dream of helping thousands of people become secure in their relationships with themselves and others.

I believe in the effectiveness of daily work – meditation, journal exercises, positive self-talk, affirmations, mantras, nourishing food, sound sleep, etc. – facilitating deep and profound life satisfaction.

“Self Love” is an acronym representing the eight tools you should use to be mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually healthy. Join the Self Love Hub so you can become engrossed in a life you love to be in.

Craft a Wellness Plan that fits your unique mental and emotional health needs. The Self Love Hub encourages you to put your unique needs at center stage. The tools are ready for you to take the deep dive, all you have to do is access them.

Use expert training, private Facebook group, and Member Meetups to ask questions and get support. Plus, you’ll alter your Wellness Plan as needed along the way. We will celebrate successes and address challenges together. In the wise words of Yoda, “The way, this is.”

Self Love Hub Member Options

“Self Love” is an acronym representing the eight tools you should use to be mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually healthy. Every month we focus on just one Self Love Tool to help keep you focused and trying new things. These resources are meant to be easy to implement so you have easy wins, but also help you dig deep to do some soul-searching. 


$25 / month

  • Monthly Challenges to help keep you on focused

  • Done-for-you Learning Journeys (for those who don’t want to DIY their plan from scratch)

  • Monthly Downloadable Guides and Templates + Video Training
  • Monthly Member Meetups

  • Monthly Expert Interviews

  • Done-for-you Daily Sample Plans
  • Schedulers & Trackers to help build new habits
  • 100% created by Licensed Counselors

  • Cancel anytime before next billing cycle.


$25 / month

  • Monthly Challenges to help keep you on focused

  • Learning Journeys (for those who don’t want to DIY their plan from scratch)

  • Monthly downloadable guides and templates + video trainings
  • Monthly Member Meetups

  • Monthly Expert Interviews

  • Done-for-you daily sample plans
  • Schedulers & Trackers to help build new habits
  • 100% created by Licensed Counselors

  • Cancel anytime before next billing cycle.

  • “Self Love Boost: 30 Days to Mental Wellness” – Daily Bite-Size Doses sent to your email box (both audio and written)

  • Save $99 when purchased yearly


Take a Look Inside the SELF LOVE hub


A premier online mental health and wellness Self-Therapy site

Monthly Challenges

I’m challenging you to leave your comfort zone and experience something new. You’ve got 30 days to try on a new Self Love Tool (SLT) – all geared toward helping you stay emotionally, physically, and spiritually healthy, of course!.

Downloadable Assignments

There are loads and loads of how-to guides and homework assignments for you, all geared to take your self-care, inner belonging, resilience, attachment style, and self-awareness to a whole other level. You’ll have resources that are fun, but some that make you go to the nooks and crannies of your soul as you drudge up old thoughts, memories, and ideas that may not be serving you. Take what you need. This is DIY, and there is a lot here.

Conversations with the Experts

In a private podcast format, you’ll have access to an expert interview each month with a new tip, tool, or resource to help on your mental health journey. Hear from people who have been there, and you can relate to. (Plus, all other interviews are available in the archives).

Member Meetups

Surround yourself with the right crew. Your environment matters—look around, it’s a reflection. Your relationship with yourself and others is king. Make this your ONE thing (because, believe me, I’ll be on your case all month to tackle the rest).

Sample Self-Care Routines

Just 20 minutes a day can shift your whole perspective and change how you feel. I’ve crafted a collection of 20- and 45-minute sample self-care routines. Forming new habits is vital, and to make it easy, I created the blueprint for you so you won’t overthink the process. The last thing you need is to feel like you have more things to do.

Schedulers & Trackers

Hey there, time traveler! 1996 is reaching out, and guess what they’ve got for you? Paper and pencils are the OG tools for planning. We’re going old school. Because research says this is the best way to learn, you’ll be putting pen to paper (or color felt tip pens, if you please) as you map out your month, week, and day with activities that’ll have you feeling like your best self. If your electronic calendars are doing the trick, stick with them. But if you need to build a new calendaring habit, give my method a shot.

Learning Journeys

While the Self Love Hub as a whole is a DIY therapy site, I’ve created specific Learning Journey’s to help you get started. Or, so you don’t feel overwhelmed right at first. You’ll find straightforward recommendations for depression, anxiety, PTSD, loneliness, and ADHD. These are the most common issues most of my clients face in my sessions. I may not be *your* counselor, but I’m *a* counselor with 23 years of experience helping create plans for clients that work. Self-love is the new black.

Self Love Hub Member Options

“Self Love” is an acronym representing the eight tools you should use to be mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually healthy. Every month we focus on just one Self Love Tool to help keep you focused and trying new things. These resources are meant to be easy to implement so you have easy wins, but also help you dig deep to do some soul-searching. 


$25 / month

  • Monthly Challenges to help keep you on focused

  • Done-for-you Learning Journeys (for those who don’t want to DIY their plan from scratch)

  • Monthly Downloadable Guides and Templates + Video Training
  • Monthly Member Meetups

  • Monthly Expert Interviews

  • Done-for-you Daily Sample Plans
  • Schedulers & Trackers to help build new habits
  • 100% created by Licensed Counselors

  • Cancel anytime before next billing cycle.


$199 / year

  • Monthly Challenges to help keep you on focused

  • Learning Journeys (for those who don’t want to DIY their plan from scratch)

  • Monthly downloadable guides and templates + video trainings
  • Monthly Member Meetups

  • Monthly Expert Interviews

  • Done-for-you daily sample plans
  • Schedulers & Trackers to help build new habits
  • 100% created by Licensed Counselors

  • Cancel anytime before next billing cycle.

  • “Self Love Boost: 30 Days to Mental Wellness” – Daily Bite-Size Doses sent to your email box (both audio and written)

  • Save $99 when purchased yearly

A Return to Yourself

When you don’t feel like you belong you’ll continue to have persistent relationship issues, mental health problems, and overall life dissatisfaction. Don’t let the absence of this lifeline lead you back to a place where you question the very act of waking up each morning.

Not quite ready?

Download the Happiness Handbook: Self Love Tools for Secure Inner Attachment

This 51-pager is a jumpstart guide that will deepen your understanding of the 4 attachment styles and the 8 Self Love Tools, each meticulously crafted to foster a healthier, more loving relationship with yourself and, by extension, with others.

Copyright 2003 – 2024 © I Choose Change by Jennifer Slingerland Ryan, Ph.D., LPC. All Rights Reserved.