Being a Mom is tough work, we  Moms know that. There are times we don’t live up to the expectations we have for ourselves, and as a therapist, I find myself needing to let Moms know just how awesome they are. So, I put together a list of ways to know that you are an awesome mom!

The most important thing about being an awesome mom is knowing who you are and what you are becoming. You are so much more than Just-a-Mom. Your life is way more than the identifying work, “Mom.” You juggle so many things in your life, from being an Kid-Uber driver to rockin’ it at the office. Pantsuit by day, messy bun by night, and what you have in between is who you are and what you’re becoming. Take time for yourself, because it’s the only way to keep up that Awesome Mom status!

7 Ways To Know You’re An Awesome Mom

  1. An Awesome Mom has her priorities straight. If you have left the house before without a shower you are a good mom. If you have been peed on or your kids have pooped in their car seat, you are a good mom! If you have gone grocery shopping at 10:00pm alone just to get a break from your kids, you are a good mom. And, if you have stayed in bed all day with (or without!) your kids to watch movies you are a good mom. It’s okay to take a break, that’s even increases your awesomeness.
  2. An Awesome Mom has bad days and struggles. You’ve probably lost your cool, yelled, and acted like an irrational crazy woman. You’ve felt unproductive or overwhelmed. And then, you felt guilt. However, you are allowed to feel all of those things, and even at the same time. Just accept what is, and move on. And when you need to, be open to sharing your mistakes with kids, too. That’s how they learn about mistakes and perspective-taking. Those are the times they learn that Awesome Mom is also Human-Mom, and she does crazy, human things. She is amazing, but she is also someone who has to eat crow and say sorry. Think of those times like you’re building lessons for your kids. Because you are!
  3. An Awesome Mom can vent to friends and family without guilt. It’s okay, Mom. Ask for help, gain new perspective, vent, and cry. We all need it, and we all do it. This just means you’re even more awesome! Your inner core of friends are the ones that you can talk about all of your stress, worry, and angst about being a mom and trying to juggle it all. And I mean all. It does feel like that much of the time, doesn’t it? It’s okay – no guilt! Vent away, it only makes you a better mom when you have people you can confide in.
  4. An Awesome Mom feels like they’re screwing up much of the time. You worry, stress out, and think you’ve done irreparable damage to your kids, at least some of the time. That’s okay, we’ve all been there! That’s part of being an awesome mom. The best moms are the ones that do worry, rest assured. That’s you. You aren’t screwing up, you’re building life lessons – for you and for your child.
  5. When your kids melt down in front of you or cry or vent, even stomp, slam doors or yell, that means you are a good mom and your child feels safe with you. You’re a source of comfort for them, and they feel secure know that they will never be too old for your care or comfort.
  6. When our children share their thoughts, feelings, hopes, fears and mistakes with us, you can be rest assured knowing you are doing it right! Be present, open and accepting of all things; be a good listening ear. That’s what awesome Moms do, and that’s you!
  7. Awesome Moms are selfish: Take care of you so you can take care of your kids!  Nurture yourself so you can have more energy for those around you.